Let’s talk about sluggish bowels and constipation. If you have problems with being “regular” in your bowel movements, this post is for you. Especially if you have a hard time when you travel, there are things you can take with you. As a general rule- if you eat three times a day, you should have a bowel movement three times a day. Not many are regular like this and so this post is really for everyone. We all have work we can do for our digestive system.
FACT the average American:
Stores anywhere from 10 to 12 pounds of fecal waste in their colon. That means you are holding onto pounds you do not need, but even worse, is that it is just sitting in your gut rotting and making you toxic.
Our digestion is SO important. All of our physical health problems stem from our digestion, this is the first step with healing. If you have not had a bowel movement for a day; that is when you should start something and give your system some help. Do not wait for a week or a month and be in pain.
Your food should digest in 18-24 hours, this is called a transit time.
If it is any shorter then your small intestines does not have enough time to break the food down with enzymes. Then your large intestines does not have the time to then absorb the nutrition and your body is left deficient. Any longer transit time will make you toxic and constipated.
Now, a person can be having a bowel movement several times a day, but sometimes your system can be running behind. If you want to test and see if your system is running on time you can eat a “marker food” and see how long it takes to get through your system. This way you can see if you are in this window of 18-24 hours. There is more specifics on this test and cleansing your bowels on this post: Body Restore- Intestines .
The reason you do not want to use Miralax and things like that is because your system will eventually become dependent on it. They are also toxic and will have side effects eventually. All of the suggestions below will support your system in doing its job and will not make your system dependent on them.
So besides doing a bowel cleanse, here is the protocol I would do if my kids or I am having a hard time:
Protocol For Babies
- Buy and have on hand: Dr. Shultz intestinal formula number 3. This is specifically made for kids and babies. It is made in a liquid, and the strength is more mild for smaller bodies. It has added fig to cover the taste. I give this to my babies when their systems are transitioning to food or different milks etc. constipation is a common thing with babies, and this is an easy solution.
- Pears and molasses. Pears get those bowels moving, and you can make a molasses solution with 2 oz. warm water and a spoonful of molasses and put it in babies bottle and that will get them going as well.
- Essential oils you can also use safely on babies belly to get things moving. I use peppermint and a blend called digestzen that has the oils for the digestive tract. There is a roller bottle that has been pre diluted for babies and kids. You simply roll it on and do a little infant massage. If you would like to learn how to do the infant massage, check out the video here: infant massage for constipation.
Protocol For Kids
- Buy and have on hand: Dr. Shultz intestinal formula number 3. This is specifically made for kids and babies. It is made in a liquid, and the strength is more mild for smaller bodies. It has added fig to cover the taste. I give this to my babies when their systems are transitioning to food or different milks etc. constipation is a common thing with babies, and this is an easy solution.
- Pears and molasses. Pears get those bowels moving, and you can make a molasses solution with 2 oz. warm water and a spoonful of molasses and put it in babies bottle and that will get them going as well.
- Probiotics are essential for gut health. These also help keep their immune systems up and regular. You can get pill forms if they can swallow pills or you can get a powder form that tastes like a pixie stick.
- Enzymes are huge to help your body break down your food and make it easier to digest. Sometimes this is all someone needs. Take one enzyme with each meal and see how that changes things. But this would be in a pill form. You can always open the capsule and stir it into applesauce or just put it in juice and have them drink it.
- Take a daily fiber. This is easy to add into kids diet, as you can add it to juice and have them drink it. This will help keep them regular.
- Water, water, water. It is so hard when kids start school because they never get enough water. They should be drinking their weight in ounces of water a day. Increase their water intake, and this will be good all around.
- Digestzen essential oil or capsules. This one is great if they are feeling sick, queasy, and to get their gut to get moving. You can get a pre diluted one or a neat one for kids or have it capsulated for you if they can swallow pills.
Protocol For Adults
Morning cereal! This will get you going in a couple of hours. You do have to soak it overnight so make it at night if you have not gone all day. You can have this all bought and store the seed mixture in a container, to have on hand and it will keep for a long time. When you need it: simply scoop out 1/4 to 1/2 cup and cover it with 1 cup of water and let it soak over night- DO NOT skip the soaking. The seeds are hard when dry but soaking them makes them all soft, and sprouts them to deliver water to the gut. In the morning, rinse it off well with fresh water. Then put the soaked nuts into a bowl and add dried fruit, honey, cinnamon and milk. You can add whatever you like!
Morning Cereal Recipe
- 1/2 c pumpkin
- 1 c buckwheat
- 1/2 c sunflower
- 1/2 c walnut
Store in an airtight container till you need it!
To simply purchase the Morning Cereal already done for you- Take a look at the Morning Cereal in the store.
Other things to do for sluggish bowels and constipation:
- Intestinal number 1 pill. I get this from Dr. Shultz, it is capsules made from all herbs and totally natural. This is the one to take with you on trips if you have a hard time when you travel. You take one at night if you have not gone all day, and if you do not go the next day you take two the next night. Keep increasing each night until you go. And make sure to add these things below as well. Usually one pill should get you going the next day, depending on how long.
- Enzymes are huge to help your body break down your food and make it easier to digest. Sometimes this is all someone needs. Take one enzyme with each meal and see how that changes things.
- Take a daily fiber. This is easy to make kids as you can add it to juice and have them drink it. This will help keep them regular.
- Water, water, water. We should be drinking our weight in ounces of water a day. Increase your water intake, and this will be good all around for your health. If you would like to see a chart for your water intake check out the protocol here: Daily Maintenance and Water.
- Digestzen essential oil or capsules. This is great if you are queasy, food poising, car sick, and your digestion needs a kick. You simply rub the oil on your stomach or take one capsule or do both. This is a great oil to have on hand.
- Probiotics are essential for your gut health and immune system. They are essential to heal your gut lining and help your digestion and absorption of nutrients. I take my probiotics at night, if they make you bloated, lower your dosage and take at night. Your body needs to build the good flora back up in your gut, especially if you have ever been on an anti biotic before. Since anti biotic wipe your system of good flora this lowers and wipes your immune system. You DO NOT want a probiotic that has to be refrigerated.
I hope this helps, if your problem is the other direction and you have diarrhea and loose bowels you might want to look into this post: IBS