“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why” -Mark Twain
Did you know your birth has a lot more meaning that you thought?
The keeper of the stars aligned the exact right stars for you when you were born.
Each star carries their own energy and where they are in alignment to each other, tells a story about you. Those energies the stars emit when read together, can paint a picture of the energy you will carry through this life. They can show you your weaknesses, strengths, talents and purposes for specifically for you and only you.
This is based on the month, day and year you were born. Plus the exact time you were born. And the location or the hemisphere of the earth you were born in and which stars were present.
These charts are called your Star Chart, it can help you understand and know yourself better. Who you are before you came here, what you are here to learn and to accomplish. Pretty cool huh?!
The stars are a journal of history, you and I are a part of that history. There is a reason you are here in this time and season. Every relationship, people in your life and experiences are there in your life for a reason.
I do not believe in coincidences.
Everything has a purpose and these “coincidences” in life can be coordinated by one of 2 economies on this earth (separate post).
This posts purpose was to shed light on the fact that you were written into the stars from the beginning. You have a part in history, and the keeper of the stars wrote a testimony of that in the heavens for you to see everyday. They are a map for guidance and assurance.
I love this quote “The world will step out-of-the-way for the woman who knows where she is going”
Knowing who you are and what your purpose is, is a great gift. Do not take it for granted if you already have these answers. If this is something you are seeking or still working on, knowing your star chart might help you.
If this is something you would like to do, I have met and know this wonderful woman who has done star charts for years. She does not need to know anything about you except your birth day, time, and location. You can have them mailed to you and she sends you the print outs and records her going over it so you can follow along. Star Charts by Marilyn Light