“True forgiveness is not a action after the fact, it is an attitude with which you enter each moment.” –David Ridge
I have had a lesson in forgiveness recently that has shifted my perspective. And it is a lesson that when applied, will make forgiveness so much easier to do in the future.
Let me explain: have you ever had someone tell you when you were young, to make the choice right then not to do something in the future?
Here is an example:
In grade school they were all about the D.A.R.E. program teaching kids about drugs. They wanted us to make the decision now- not to do them.
The point they were trying to get across was to make the choice NOW. So that if you were faced with that in the future, it would make that choice EASIER because you had already decided your answer long ago.
I have realized that this principal should also be applied to forgiveness
If we choose to forgive the past and more importantly anything to come in the FUTURE right now, when something happens it is a lot easier to get over it because you have already chosen to forgive, let go, and move on.
And the first and most important person to apply this to- is you- choose to forgive yourself
It is our poor choices that have taught us the lessons that make us better people and who we are today. The mistakes of our past are part of us. This lesson in forgiveness is the first step of accepting and loving yourself.
Then one might apply forgiving right now to a spouse or parents and siblings
Choose right now to forgive them of anything that might come in the future, that way when it comes the decision has been made to always forgive. I can already forgive everything done and everything anyone COULD do to me, long before that day comes. So can you!